Farm village that has the land’s fragrance and sunshine of the dawn黎明破晓的清晨,金灿灿的阳光下萦绕着泥土的芬芳的农村村落 Jindeung Village is located at the outer edge of national highway No.7 in front of Ayajin Elementary School in Toseong-myeon, Goseong-gun. The scenery of dawn is significant. “Jindeung” means the village’s field consisted of mud. The name originated from the red clay that darkens when the rain comes. Most of the village’s field consists of yellow soil, which makes for a good harvest. This village has a green tea and wild flower cultivation area, and products including Hwangto (Red clay in Korea) rice, oyster mushrooms, wild grapes etc. There are some beautiful tourist attractions nearby such as Dowon reservoir and Dowon valley. Also this village offers pretty sights including Sinseonbong Peak, the last peak of Geumgangsan Mountain. 位于高城郡土城面我也津小学前面7号国道旁的黄土梁村,是一个每当太阳升起时景色异常优美的农村村庄。“黄土梁”是指村子里的平原,平原都是由黄土形成的,因此每当下雨的时候平原整体连在一起就会显得很长,因此得名。村如其名,土地大部分都是黄土,尤其适合农作物的种植,现在发展为绿茶种植园和野花种植园,此外还种有黄土米、平菇、山葡萄等。周边还有桃园水库和桃园溪谷,风景秀丽,以及金刚山一万两千峰中的最后一峰——神仙峰。 Jindeung Village provides some experience programs utilizing red clay, specialties of this village, such as red clay mudpack, making soap with mud and playing with mud. Visiting the green tea and wildflower cultivation area, at the “Samgut grill” you may enjoy grilled potatoes and corn harvested by hand on the hot stone is also provided. Fishing for mud fishes, catching ducks and making animal dolls with pine cones are interesting experiences that this village offers. 黄土梁村还提供利用其本地特产——黄土设计的各种体验项目,黄土美容面膜体验、黄土肥皂制作体验、黄土游戏等,此外还有绿茶体验园和野花体验园参观活动,以及自己动手收货土豆和玉米在火上烤着吃的土窑烧烤活动,捉泥鳅大赛,空手捉鸭,松球动物制作等各种体验活动。 Information byThe Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Dawn Jindeung Village, Goseong County, Gangwon Province
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[Goseong] Dawn Jindeung Village
The nest of migratory birds including dynamic cranes and home of Cheorwon Odae Rice丹顶鹤等翅膀力量强大的候鸟的天堂,铁原五台米的主产地 15km northwest of Shincheorwon, Crane Peace Eco Village faces the DMZ that was destroyed in the Korean war and recovered by ex-soldiers. This village ensured by farming during the day and keeping at the night is closed to some security tour attractions such as the memorial tower of the Baengmagoji Battle, Woljeong-ri Station, Labor Party Headquarters and Cheoruisamgak(iron triangle) Observatory. Also this village is in the clean zone designated by the Ministry of Environment and home of Cheorwon Odae Rice. There are some special foods like organic Odae Rice, Baengmagoji oyster mushrooms, Baengmagoji cucumber, Baengmagoji barrenwort and Baengmagoji honey.Crane Peace Eco Village has a program through which visitors can experience Baengmagoji Odae rice’s whole process of culture and production. Also there are some historical meaningful experience tours such as land mine search experience, which reminds us of the recovery cultivation of the wasteland, a tent experience and military experience. And also you can enjoy programs related to watching ecology in nature such as cranes and eagles, mallard and titmice. 从新铁原往西北方向15Km,与DMZ地区接壤的丹顶鹤和平生态村,是农民将因6.25战争荒废的民统线地区进行努力开垦后形成的乡军村。白天种地,夜晚站岗守护村庄,与白马高地战争遗址、月井里站、铁原的劳动党舍、铁三角瞭望台等铁原代表性旅游景点相连。而且这里还是环境部指定的清净区,是铁原五台米的主要产地。这里是用纯环保的种植方法生产的五台米,此外这里还盛产白马高地平菇、白马高地黄瓜、白马高地淫羊藿和白马高地蜂蜜等。在丹顶鹤和平生态村,还可以参加村庄生活特色节目,直接体验白马高地五台米的种植过程和生产过程。此外还有包含着村庄往日历史的黄土地开垦过程体验项目,如寻找地雷体验、军营体验等,同时还准备开设可以观察丹顶鹤、绿头鸭、大山雀等候鸟的项目。 Information byThe Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Crane Peace Eco Village
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[Cheorwon] Crane Peace Eco Village
DaeIjak island with Puldeng sand island unveiling like a mirage, calm fishing place and relaxation如同海市蜃楼一般矗立在海中的沙岛,拥有安静的钓鱼台和醇厚人心的大伊作岛 There is one story about the name of Ijak island, dividing it into DaeIjak island and SoIjak island. From the late Goryeo period to the early part of Joseon, this area was occupied by pirates called “Haejeok” in Korean. So it is called “Heajeok Island” and it has beenfinally turned to “Ijak Island”. 伊作岛分为大伊作岛和小伊作岛,从它的名字也不难看出这里面包含着一个海盗的故事。一直到高丽末期,朝鲜初期,这里都一直被海盗占据着,因此一直称为“夷狄岛”,后来改名“伊作岛”。Dae Ijak Island, located 44km from Incheon and about 200m from SoIjak Island, is not a big island. The length of the beach is only 18km and the population is about 280. However, it is very popular for travelers because the sea water is especially pure and the clean white beach and pine tree forest on the beach make a beautiful landscape. Also, Puldeng Sand Island, which is unveiled when an ebb tide comes, is one of its most famous scenes. Around the beach, there are some spots for fishing from the rocks on the seashore so the people who want to enjoy fishing calmly can be satisfied. Also, the view from the top of Mt. Bua is beautiful. From Mt. Bua, we can gather wild edible greens such as the roots of bellflowers, Deodeok (codonopsislanceolata) and Solomon’s seals. DaeIjak Island doesn’t have public transportation, hotels and lodges. It is necessary to use home-stay cars when you travel. 距离仁川44Km,距离东边的小伊作岛200M左右,然而大伊作岛并不是一个多么大的岛。海岸线长度不过18KM,居民人口数量约280名左右。但是它的海水非常清澈,再加上干净的白沙滩和郁郁葱葱的海岸林,形成了非常优美的景色,在游客中的口碑极好。每次涨潮退潮后,在大海中间如同海市蜃楼一样出现的沙岛,是大伊作岛最有名的景观之一。海边分布着岩石钓鱼台,正是那些喜欢安静钓鱼的游客们的好去处。站在负儿山山顶眺望也是一件非常大快人心的事情,还可以享受到在山上挖桔梗、沙参、玉竹等野菜的趣味。大伊作岛上没有公车等大众交通工具,也没有旅馆等住宿设施。因此想要去的话,需要提前租借民宿提供的车辆。DaeIjak Island has a project in the works to build a seaside eco village based on original nature such as Puldeng and migmatite. It is also good news for travelers that a road to enjoy walking along the beach is set up and they are making places to experience marine life and building an eco-environmental instruction center. 现在,大伊作岛正以伊作岛上固有的绿地和混成岩等生态资源为基础,打造海洋生态村。正在建设一条可以在海边散步的海岸探访路,以及大海体验空间、生态环境解说中心,因此期待这些建设项目能够为来大伊作岛的游客带来好消息。 Information by Ongjin County, The Ministry of Security and Public Administration
- 조회수6,683
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[Ongjin] DaeIjak island
Between the city and the rural area where you can feel the warm feeling of the rural in the city, Maehwa-mir village 在城市和农村之间,您可以感受到城市乡村的温暖感觉, 梅花MIR村 Maehwa-mir village, located at Yonggang-ri Wolgot-myun, Gimpo, is nearby city but also clean village inside CCZ(Civilian Control Zone). It is the largest habitat of Maehwamareum, known for endangered species. There was Ganggyeong port, which was military point but gone now, and it is facing with Yu island, home of blackfaced spoonbill, and Gaepung-gun, Gaesung. There is Dragon pool in the village which never freeze, and has legend of dragon rising. Dragon pool is lifeline of the village as well as root of rich and fertile land. At front of the village, river flows quietly. Maehwa-mir village greets guests with comfort that we could felt from our grandparents whenever we met them. Let’s feel the missing feeling of healthy rural village that familiar and unfamiliar coexist. 位于金浦市龙康里的梅花MIR村与都市离得很近,但是很难往来的居民管制线内的清净村,以灭种危机种为知名的梅花村是国内最大栖息地。虽然现在已经没有了,曾有过军事要冲地的康宁浦,现正对着天然纪念物第205号的琵鹭迁徙地留島与开城市的开丰郡。据说村里的龙池冬天也不会冻,因此被传开说龙在此升了天。龙池是村子里的母亲河也是肥土和富裕的根源,村前有糟糠陪伴着寂静。每次拜访梅花MIR村时,面带微笑的爷爷和奶奶一样带着舒适感来迎接游客的梅花MIR村。陌生与熟悉共存的这里,怀念一下健康即农村的情调吧。 Information byThe Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Maehwa-mir village
- 조회수3,474
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[Gimpo] Maehwa-mir village
“Never-returning Island” where you can see the Royal Family’s exile history“回不去的岛”,在这里你可以看到王室贵族的流亡史 Originally Gyodongdo Island’s name was “Daewoondo Island”. It had been called “Go-rym” or “Dal-ul Shin”, and after Goguryeo made “Hyun” as an administrative district it was called “Gomokgeunhyun”. Finally, King Gyeongdeok of Silla called it “Gyodongdo Island” and it is still called that today. Gyodongdo Island is the 14th largest island in Korea. It is near North Korea, only 5km toward a northwestern direction, so we can see Yeonbaek-gun, Hwanghae-do and North Korea directly across the sea. That is why this island has been restricted to civilians. 乔桐岛原来叫“戴云岛”。也曾被叫做高林、或者达乙新,高句丽时第一次设置了县,称它为高木根县,新罗景德王改名为乔桐县,一直沿用至今。乔桐岛是我国第14大岛屿。西北方向不到5Km处就是大海,与北韩接壤,黄海道的延白郡也近在眼前。因此一度禁止普通民众出入。In history, Gyodongdo Island is close to Seoul and the tide around was high and ships could not approach so it was a place for the royal family’s exile. Prince Anpyong, Yeonsangun, Gwanghaegun, Youngchangdaegun, and Neungchangdaegun who deposed crown Princess Park are among them. And, they did not come back alive so this island was called “Never-returning Island”. There are some fertile plains so this island looks like a rural area rather than a fishing village. Gyodongdo Island produces rice, bean, garlic, red pepper, etc., as well as crabs and shrimps, and its mullets are famous. Plus, the oyster industry is brisk. 乔桐岛临近首尔,周边潮流暗涌,船很难靠近,因此曾被作为王室贵族们的流放地。安平大君、燕山君、光海君、永昌大君、綾昌大君以及被废黜的妃嫔朴氏等王室贵族都被流放到这里,让他们在有生之年回不去因此又被称为“回不去的岛”。岛上处处都是肥沃的平原,因此这里更像是一个农村而不是渔村,在乔桐岛上生产大米、豆子、大蒜和辣椒,沿岸的花蟹、大虾和鲻鱼也很有名。牡蛎养殖业也很发达。Gyodongdo Island, which is historically distinguished as the exile place for the royal family, is having a project to builda modern cultural space. In the area around Daeryong-ri and Gogu-ri, many kinds of historical exhibition facilities and parking lots will welcome travelers to learn about Gyodongdo Island’s history in a friendly atmosphere. 历史上曾是王室贵族流放地的乔桐岛,带着这种历史的特征发展了近代文化空间产业。乔桐面大龙里和高句丽一带建设各种历史展览馆,修建停车场等,使得游客可以更方便的过来了解乔桐岛的历史。 Information by Ganghwa county, The Ministry of Security and Public Administration
- 조회수7,036
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[Ganghwa] Gyodongdo Island
Green healing during walk along the forest, antiques and Lyrical village走进森林,纯绿色的治愈,古老娴静的林中村落 “Hyangdowon” means “the house of the aromatic peach tree” in Korean. It is reformed as Forest Healing Village when the house of the aromatic peach tree (Hyangdowon) meets green forest. Hyangdowon has very significant scenery, being surrounded by Baekdudaegan, Sinseonbong Peak of Mt. Geumgang and Mt. Seorak National Park. It has a forest filled with phytoncides. This village is a production area of natural, healthy foods such as Song-i mushroom, a medicinal herb. Therefore, this village has very suitable conditions to be a healing town that can remedy people’s mind and body problems. “香桃院”的意思是“芳香桃树的家”。而这个芳香桃树的家,又因为其在绿色森林里所拥有的绿色治愈功能,作为一个森林治愈村重生。香桃院周边耸立着白头大干、金刚山的神仙峰、雪岳山国立公园,景色优美,是一个被富含植物杀菌素的山林包围的小村庄。这里还是松蘑、草药等对健康有益的天然食品的产地。拥有充足的条件,成为一个可治愈身心的森林治愈村。Beautiful four-season landscapes made by steep peaks and dense forestdelighting the five senses originated from lot of wild native grosses make you feel refreshed and vitalized. Pure water of Munamcheon is also a very important element of Hyangdowon’s healing resources. Hyangdowon has a forest healing trail and is building a forest healing center. It will enhance this village’s competitiveness as a specialized village for forest healing. 挺拔耸立的崇山峻岭,郁郁葱葱的山林带来的四季美轮美奂的景色,森林深处的各种草药,刺激视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉等五觉,为身心增添活力。门岩川清澈的溪水也可以说是香桃院森林治愈资源中的一个核心要素。香桃院现在正在调整治愈森林的长度以及建设森林治愈中心,提升森林治愈村的竞争力。 Information byThe Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Hyandowon Forest Healing Village
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[Goseong] Hyangdowon Forest Healing Village
The Kim Yu-jeong Literature Village where you can feel the life and art of Kim Yu-jeong, one of the most famous authors in modern Korean literature 可以追寻韩国近代短篇文学领袖—金裕贞足迹的地方,金裕贞文学村 In this village, you can follow in the footprints of Kim Yu jeong, one of the greatest authors in modern Korean literature, who wrote “BomBom” (Spring), “Dongbaekggot” (The Camellias) and “The Golden Bean Patch”. Sille Village in Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do is his hometown. Kim Yu-jeong Literature Village reconstructs his birth home and has an exhibition hall to admire his life and art. There is a statue of him and some sculptures symbolizing the famous BomBom’s story. And, the exhibition hall displays historical data of 1930s Korean literature. 著有《春春》、《山茶花》、《采金的大豆地》等韩国近代著名短篇文学家金裕贞,在这里可以追寻金裕贞的足迹。江原道春川市希勒璐是金裕贞的故乡。在这里建设的金裕贞文学村,将金裕贞的故居进行复原建设成展览馆,展示金裕贞的生平和他的作品世界。村子里有金裕贞的铜像和按照他在代表作《春春》里的描述制作的雕塑,展览馆里展示了20世纪30年代我国文学流派的资料。 Also there are various annual events such as the Kim Yu-jeong Literature festival, Kim Yu-jeong memorial service, Kim Yu-jeong literary awards, juvenile literature festival, Kim Yu-jeong literature camp and Kim Yu-jeong essay contest. These make your day in the village more colorful. 此外,这里每年都会举行金裕贞文学祭等各种活动。金裕贞追慕祭、金裕贞文学奖颁奖、青少年文学祭、金裕贞文学野营、金裕贞赛诗会等男女老少都可参与的各种活动,使得金裕贞文学村的一天更加丰富多彩。 Information byThe Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Kim Yu-jeong Literature Village
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[Chuncheon] Kim Yu-jeong Literature Village