
DMZ The Land of Peace and LifeDMZ The Land of Peace and Life DMZIGI


DMZ cardnews OPEN!

  • WRITERadministrator
  • DATE2017.12.19
  • COUNT4059

Hello. It is DMZIGI.

DMZ card news is opened.

In the future, you can know more about festivals and attractions through the card news.

Please check out the fantastic winter festivals through DMZ winter card news.

Thank you.



大家好! DMZGI








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Operation rules
Operation rules
We have several rules that is needed to maintain a good community. If we have determined that you have written an article that violate the rules, then we do not notify you, and immediately we can delete the article.
Criteria to delete the post.
  • The act of spreading private information (name, company name, private photos, phone number, Social Security Number, etc) or continuing to write a great number of post or comments.
  • Posts to blame or insults others.
  • Pornography posts or inappropriate posts for the youth.
  • Posts that is different from the service purpose.
  • Defamatory posts, such as to blame others or to spread false information.
  • Posts that violate the relevant law such as Copyright Violation.

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