Historical Exploration
[Yeoncheon] Eundaeriseong Fortress
Eundaeriseong Fortress of the Goryeo Dynasty on the hill where the Imjingang River and Hantangang River meet 临津江与汉滩江相遇的山坡上,遗留着高句丽痕迹的隐垈里城 Eundaeriseong Fortress, located the place where the Imjingang R.. -
[Yeoncheon] Horogoru
A green hill that was the location of a fierce battle in the Three Kingdoms Period 绿绿的山丘下隐藏着三国时代激战的历史 It is a hill on the riverside of the Imjingang River in Gangnam-myeon, Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeongki-do... -
[Yeoncheon] Jeongok-ri Historical site
The representative prehistoric site in Korea located in Gureung, looking down upon the Hantangang River 位于俯视汉滩江的丘陵地带的韩国代表性旧石器遗迹地 The Jeongok-ri Prehistoric Site is a prime site on the Korean peninsula.. -
[Yeoncheon] Royal Tomb of King Gyeongsun
Place filled with painful history of defeated Silla, the only royal tomb of Silla that is located in Gyeonggi-do 新罗败亡期的痛苦历史所在地方,新罗王陵中唯一位于京畿道的敬顺王陵 Historic site No.244, The Royal Tomb of King Gyeongsun.. -
[Yeoncheon] Sunguijeonji Site
Where sorrow and the pain of the royal family that misses the lost old countryremains 思念遗失的旧国的高丽王族的悲伤与痛苦渗透的地方 Just before the summit of riverside ImjinEmeishanlies Sunggi Shrine, where kings of Goryeo.. -
[Yeoncheon] Tomb of Misu Heo Mok
The master of handwriting inthe East, to celebrate Misu Heomok’s study and thought 被称为东方第一人的篆书字体大家,纪念眉叟许穆的学问与思想 Misu Heo Mok was the great scholar of the middle of the Joseon Dynasty. He created the u.. -
[Yeoncheon] Water Tower in Yeoncheon Station
It shows the history of the Korean railroad with a bullet mark from the Korean war 用弹痕珍藏6.25战争的悲剧,证明韩国铁道的历史 An ivy-covered water tower in Yeoncheon Station stands with the pain of the Korean War. A wa..