
DMZ The Land of Peace and LifeDMZ The Land of Peace and Life DMZIGI

The future outlook

Dreaming of a better tomorrow




This place was once a symbol of agony and fear. At times it’s forgotten, for it is isolated and invisible. The time has come to dream new dreams with long-lasting hope that will travel into the atmosphere.




<UN기와 태극기> 사진_강원일보

<UN flag and Korean flag> Photo by TheKangwonIlbo


An end to war and the beginning of peace




During the Cold War, the DMZ was a vivid reminder, a symbol of fear and war. Communication between the North and South was limited to Panmunjeom, and constant hostility exposed risk of collision. The DMZ became a memory of the cold war. A warm breeze now enters the DMZ, whereas it was once ‘the last glacier of the Cold War’. The DMZ evolved into a place of positive energy as the air of the Cold War dissolved.




Businesses that formed part of Gaeseong Industrial Complex, such as the Geumgangsan tour, various railways and intersections, and other establishments, became symbols of trade between North and South Korea. The DMZ was responsible for this development. Further discussions about the DMZ transforming into an area primarily for environmental and ecological benefit came to fruition. These negotiations transpired after the development of Geumgangsan and Gaeseong, for it was an opportunity for the DMZ to be noticed and appraised by both the North and South. Unfortunately, such attempts to bring peace and harmony went unnoticed. Continual faith remains both globally and locally for the North and South to be at peace with one another.





■  Suggestions for the DMZ’s peace operations









Demilitarize DMZ 



F.H.Rogers(the UN forces chief delegate)317th UNCMAC general meeting 


Twenty demonstration projects

-Free tour, joint region, joint stadium 



The Board of National Unification 


Building city of peace

-Ethnic cultural center and goods trading placeconstruction 



President Roh Tae-woo, the UN General Assembly 


Setting-up peaceful zone within DMZ and progress towards a peaceful, unified city 



President Roh Tae-woo, Korean community unification plan  


The Korea DMZ TBR plan 

韩半岛非武装地带接境生物圈保全地区(The Korea DMZ TBR)计划


Ministry of Environment etc 


The DMZ nominated as UNESCO World Heritage Site 





Declare DMZ ecology and peace vision 



Ministry of Environment 


DMZ peaceful ecology forum foundation 



Ministry of Unification 


Ecology peace belt creation plan in Korean Peninsula

-DMZ traverse cycle path, ecology peaceful park creation, etc.



Presidential Council on National Competitiveness 


DMZ ecology peaceful park creation 



Ministry of Unification 




Natural inheritance valued within multinationals




Entering the 2000s, there were changes to the DMZ peace policy. Previously attempted DMZ related policies for ‘direct policies of universal peace’ and natural ecology were replaced by ‘indirect policies of universal peace’. It was not only South Korea who was interested in a unique ecosystem as a result of the Cold War. DMZ’s natural ecology became a newly found attraction, drawing in visitors’ from around the world.




In 2001, a plan was constructed, designating the DMZ as UNESCO’s biosphere border preservation area. In 2004, UNESCO was advocated as a World Heritage Site. DMZ related policies were stressed on topics of conservation and community, which was a positive step forward. Gangwondo’s Gangwon area of peace: Cheorwon, Hwacheon, Yanggu, Inje and Goseong-gun obtained certification for state Geo-parks, with the hope of transcending into UNESCO Global Geo-parks.




UNESCO’s biosphere preservation area, world heritage site and global geo-park are the three major Environmental Conservation systems controlled by UNESCO. They are still in the stage, but once results are achieved, the DMZ’s natural environment will no longer be a Cold War relic, but a natural heritage loved by all.





  • <강원 평화지역 지질공원 내 대암산 용늪, 국내 최초로 람사르 협약에 등록된 고층습원이다> 사진_김창환(강원대학교 지리교육과 교수)

    <Yongneup Swamp, Daeamsan Mountain in Kangwon peace area and Geo-park , first registered as domestic high moor in the Ramsar Convention> Photo by Kim Chang-hwan(Kangwon University)

  • <강원 평화지역 지질공원 인증을 받은 철원평야 용암대지> 사진_철원군청

    <Cheorwon plain lava plateau, certified as the Kangwon peace area and Geo-park> Photo by Cheorwon County Office



■  Three natural environmental conservation systems designed by UNESCO



World Heritage


‘Among inherited things from the past, acknowledged for its superior and universal value’. A valued possession protected by the community. World Heritage is defined of both cultural and natural heritage. 


Biosphere Reserve 


A designated ecological area used to conserve the biological diversity and sustainable usage of natural resources. Regions covering more than two territories are entitled biosphere, border preservation areas.


Global Geo-parks


A specified region universally selected for the protection and management of geological heritage.


※ Source: Korean National Commission for UNESCO www.unesco.or.kr

※ 资料来源:UNESCO韩国委员会 www.unesco.or.kr  



The DMZ transformed



Many policies were implemented by the government, primarily to secure the identity of the DMZ. There were however, several motions instigated amongst private enterprises and the general public to oppose such policies. Firstly, various DMZ travel packages were made. From the late 1980s, secured travels were established through the use of the observatory, War Memorial Museum and underground tunnel. The DMZ offered diverse travelling routes, some of which involved an experience of army life. A number of Gyeonggi-do and Gangwon-do villages near the DMZ presented unique travelling experiences, making the DMZ a joy to visit.





<철원 민간인통제구역 지역의 두루미떼> 사진_전영재

<Cranes at Cheorwon, restricted for civilians> Photo by Jeon Young-jae




In fields of culture, art and physical education, various activities related to the DMZ have continued. The med film festivals are held in the DMZ, where people hold flags of hope and run or cycle along the infinite wire fences. Beautiful music resembling scars of separation resonate at the DMZ peace concert. The performance is held in front of the collapsed, old Labor Party, Office building in Cheorwon. A re-born vitality hangs in the air, celebrating 60years of the DMZ.




The DMZ is no longer a place of anguish. Physical walls at the DMZ still exist, but our psychological walls are gradually collapsing. The horrors of war and pain of separation cannot be forgotten, but we can remain strong and begin healing the scars. People gather from all walks of life at the DMZ, where once it used to be a heavy, solemn place. Now is the time to do our best, so the sprouts of peace can grow into a deep-rooted tress. The DMZ has already positioned itself as the most beautiful base, where peace can bloom.





  • <철원 노동당사 앞 DMZ 평화 콘서트> 사진_강원일보

    <DMZ peace concert in front of Cheorwon Labor Party Office> Photo by the KangwonIlbo

  • <철원 DMZ 이어달리기 대회> 사진_강원일보

    <Cheorwon DMZ relay contest> Photo by KangwonIlbo



Published in
December 1, 2014

Modified in
December 3, 2016



  • Past that was left for the future, DMZ (2010) HahmGwang-bok, Education Center for Unification, Ministry of Unification

  • 「DMZ discussion: History of concepts andgroping new paradigm」(2013), Lee Jung-cheol, Kangwon Development Institute

  • 「Research on pushing ahead South-North cooperative project for DMZ’s peaceful uses」(2009), Kim Young-bong, Lee Seung-bok, Kim Eun-jung, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements

  • For peace and life as well as prosperity ‘DMZ 60TH anniversary’ (2013), The KangwonIlbo


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