DMZ Tour
[Paju] Haemaru Town
Clean village in the Civilian Control Line, where the dazzling sun of hope rises 耀眼的希望之日升起的民间人限制区域内清净村庄 Haemaru Town means ‘town where the sun rises’. Haemaru Town, located in the restricted area, is.. -
[Goseong] Castle of Hwajinpo (Kim Ilseong Villa)
Kim Ilseong’s villa standing on the mountain foot near the beach where the scenery of Hwajinpo spreads 建立在花津浦绝景展现的美丽的海岸山坡的过去金日成的别墅 The castle of Hwajinpo or the ‘Kim Ilseong Villa’ was initially used.. -
[Cheorwon] Labor Party Headquarters
The headquarters of North Korea’s Labor Party, holding the pain of war 蕴含战争痛苦的北韩劳动党的铁原郡党舍 This is the headquarter of the Northern Labor party, constructed by North Korea for the purpose of strengtheni.. -
[Yanggu] Punch Bowl
The biggest hollow in Korea, reminding of a punch bowl 联想到花菜盘的韩国最大的盆地 Punchbowl is a nickname for a town around Haean-myeon, Yanggu-gun, Gangwon-do. HaeAn-myeon, surrounded by mountains of a thousand.. -
[Goseong] DMZ Museum
Looking back at the history of DMZ, and dreaming of the living dream of DMZ 回顾DMZ的过去,梦想DMZ生动未来的地方 DMZ Museum, located inside the Civil Control Line, was constructed with the hoping of peace for both S.. -
[Paju] Panmunjeom(JSA)
The symbol of separation and the communication spot, exists the complication and peace at the same time as the space for North and South Korea既是分裂象征又是对话的现场,纠葛与和平共存的南北共同的空间 At 1953 July 27th, Panmunjeo.. -
[Paju] The 3rd Tunnel
Only 52km away from Seoul, meeting with the sad marks of the reality of the division 离首尔仅仅52公里,显现分裂现实的悲戚的痕迹 The 3rd Tunnel was discovered in 1978 by Korean forces. It spans over 1635m in length, 2m in.. -
[Yanggu] Yanggu War Memorial Museum
The treasured souls of national heroes who fought to protect our country, commending their significant works 为了保卫祖国奉献生命的殉国先烈宝贵的灵魂,纪念珍贵的业绩 The War Memorial Museum in Yanggu was built to commemorate the.. -
[Dongducheon] Freedom Protection Peace Museum
Where We Can Remind the Meaning of Freedom and Peace Through Protection from Noble Sacrifice. 用宝贵的牺牲守护的自由,以及重新回顾和平意义的地方 6.25 Korean War is the history which we should not forget about. The Freedom Pr.. -
[Hwacheon] Dam of Peace · Water Culture Center
From a symbol of heart-aching division to a symbol of spreading peace world wide 自心痛的分裂象征走向世界的和平象征 The Dam of Peace stands tall across Dongchon-ri and Cheonmi-ri. The story of the fairly-built dam asi.. -
[Paju] Dorasan Station
Coexist of Reality and New Hope of Divided Country, Located at South Korea’s Closest Station to North Korea.同时感受分裂的现实与新的希望的南侧最北端驿站 The Dorasan Station is located at restricted area that closest stati.. -
[Goseong] 6.25 war experience exhibit
Unforgettable tragedy of ethnic Korean War, let's experience through various showrooms 不可或忘的民族悲剧-6.25战争,通过各种展示室与体验室来体验 The war experience exhibit is located at the Unification Observatory parking lot..