
DMZ The Land of Peace and LifeDMZ The Land of Peace and Life DMZIGI

Historical Exploration

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[Goyang] Seosamneung

  • Address233-126, Seosamneung-ro, Deukyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do
  • Information• Seooreung office: (02)359-0090
    • Seosamneung branch: (031)962-6009
  • Hours of use• February-May, September-October: 09:00-17:00
    • November-January: 09:00-17:00
  • HolidaysClosed everyMonday
  • Homepagewww.visitgoyang.net
  • PublishedDecember 1, 2014
  • RevisedDecember 5, 2016


Historic site no.200 and UNESCO World Heritage Site, Placenta Chamber of Joseon Royal families



Seosamneung Royal Tomb is Historical site No.200 and a UNESCO world heritage site, which has Huireung Royal Tomb of the 2nd Queen Yoon of the 11th king of Joseon King Jungjong, Hyoreung Royal Tomb of 12th King Injong and his Queen Inseong, and Yereung Royal Tomb of 25th King Cheoljong and his Queen CheolIn. It had 4,297,540 square meters of area at first, now it has been parted and only 231,406 square meters left, and half of this area is private area for protection. Aside from the 3 tombs, there are 51 tombs for their family. Seosamneung Royal Tomb also has placenta chamber.




Placenta chamber is a place where you put the placenta and umbilical cord. The place for the placenta chamber was chosen carefully and was guarded by several custodians. This place was Joseon’s first Goyang county office before the tomb was made.




Information by
Goyang City



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• Culture Tour Guide
- Regular commentary: 10:00, 13:00, 15:00
- Inquiry: (031)966-6776  

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