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[Yanggu] Punch Bowl

  • AddressThe area of Haean-myeon, Yanggu-gun, Gangwon-do
  • InformationYanggu County Economy & Tourism Department : (033)480-2251
  • PublishedDecember 1, 2014
  • RevisedDecember 2, 2016


The biggest hollow in Korea, reminding of a punch bowl



Punchbowl is a nickname for a town around Haean-myeon, Yanggu-gun, Gangwon-do. HaeAn-myeon, surrounded by mountains of a thousand meter, is the biggest hollow in Korea developed in a high ground. Because of this feature, there was a fierce battle during the Korean War in HaeAn-myeon. The UN military forces told that the hollow land looked like a punch bowl, which is the origin of the title ‘Punchbowl’. The hollows measure about 23 kilometer square in area and 3.5 kilometers in length.


Punch Bowl是江原道杨口郡亥安面一带村庄的别称。杨口郡亥安面是高地带发达的韩国最大的盆地,四方被海拔1,000米以上的山围绕。之所以,高地战为主的6.25战争当时,在亥安面一带展开了激烈的战斗,当时联合国军因为亥安面一带形状如Punch Bowl(花菜盘),由此得到现在的‘Punch Bowl’名称。盆地的面积是大约23㎢,东西长度为大约3.5公里。

To take look at the scenery of the Punchbowl, it’s best to go up to the close Eulji Observatory. You can observe the unique scenery made of high mountains and concave plateau surrounding the town. There are many tourist attractions like the 4th tunnel, Yanggu Unification Hall, and War Memorial Museum around the Punchbowl. There are two theories about how the Punchbowl was created- a theory involving meteorites, and a theory involving erosion. But the meteorite theory does not hold persuasiveness, as there are no components of a meteor are found in the hollow land. The erosion theory is earning more credits because of the fact that the ground is softer compared to the land surrounding it.


为了一览Punch Bowl的全景,尽量登上邻近的乙支瞭望台。四方都是高山,而中间凹陷的平地上形成的村庄演绎出独特的景致,以供观赏。Punch Bowl周围除了乙支瞭望台之外,还有第四洞窟、杨口统一馆、战争纪念馆等,很多人作为安保旅行地来踏访。如此,形成独特地形的原因方面,有着陨石冲突说法、差别侵蚀说法等。但是,冲突说法因为在盆地没有发现陨石碎片而没有得到支持,而因为盆地地面比周围松软的事实,差别侵蚀说法更加得到支持。

Information by
Yanggu county




Available(through Eulji Observatory)


Available(through Eulji Observatory) 


Eulji Observatory 

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